Monday, June 6, 2011

how to find out data type of a column in a table through RoR code

In one of my application, there is a table, Product with more than 100 columns. I want to find out
- the data type of "product_owner" column
- to iterate over all columns and collect array of boolean / tinyint(1) data type columns.

Here is the code to do that:
Above code will give you the data type of the column, in this case its "varchar(255)"

If you know that "product_owner" is the 9th column of the table, then you can also find the data type by command:

To iterate over all columns and collect array of boolean / tinyint(1) data type columns:
b= []
Product.content_columns.each do |p|
  if p.sql_type == "tinyint(1)"
    b << p.human_name

Now, when you will print 'b', you will get array of all the fields of data type boolean / tinyint(1)

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